"Running, Running, Being In This Dimension” (In response to Morris Graves' piece "Walking, Walking, Singing in The Next Dimension")
42" x 14" (107 x 36 cm)
Oil on wood panels
42" x 14" (107 x 36 cm)
Oil on wood panels
This work was inspired by Morris Graves’ magnificent piece “Walking, Walking, Singing in the Next Dimension”. In Graves' piece we may presume that the first two birds represent walking, while the third bird is looking upward in a shaft of light toward the next dimension. My interpretation is that Graves’ third bird is looking upward to the possibility of a higher state of consciousness. So I took that same idea but applied it to this dimension instead of a future “next” dimension. And instead of birds I used three dachshunds. The first two are running and the third is sitting in stillness. I am saying that the next dimension that Graves pointed to is no longer somewhere else, it is here and now.
It was never my intention to emulate Morris Graves’ extraordinary soft but powerful painting style. Instead, I painted three wood panels gold and attached them together. Gold is a color that symbolizes wisdom, joy, and light.